Membership Fee
$30 Family, paid annually (either in the summer or fall)
Tuition is based on a 36-week calendar. Payments are divided into 10 equal monthly installments, paid on the 25th of the month prior to when you dance. While billed monthly, these are not considered “monthly payments” as some months have a different number of weeks and/or holidays. Summer classes are charged for the full tuition at time of registration.
Family Discount
Our tuition is based on the number of class hours per family, not per dancer. All family members must be on the same iClass Account and bill with the same credit card.
Recital Costumes & Tickets
Recital costume payments are due November 15th, and are $115 for each class’s costume (or $155 for a correlating Tap and Jazz class costume). December 31st is the last day to receive a refund for a costume payment, with written notice that your dancer will not be participating in recital. Parents are responsible for purchasing recital tickets; tickets range from $17-21 per person, per show.
A 4-week written notice is required. Tuition will be charged for 4 weeks after an Ending Enrollment form has been signed and turned in to the office.
Registration Fee and tuition are non-refundable. There will be no refunds given for Recital Costumes after December 31st.
Inclement Weather
We do not always follow FCPS for studio closings and delays–we will send emails and update our Facebook and Instagram when we are closed for inclement weather. There is no pro-rated tuition for inclement weather closings; students are encouraged to schedule make-up classes for those missed due to weather.
We require all families to have a credit card on file in their iClass Account. Families always have the option to pay using a different payment method via the Customer Portal or in our studio office before the Tuition Due Date.
Late Payment Fee
$30 will be applied to all accounts not paid by the 1st of the month.
Returned Check Fee
$35, non-refundable.